
Chad Love…
Thank you

Quotes and SHARES 
From Chad's Family and Friends

"Chad was a dear friend from DS and my girlfriends and I are devastated. He was one-of-a-kind and had this friendly, sassy, and accepting presence that just pulled you into his forcefield. We loved being around him and carried on our friendship well after high school whereas we lost touch with most of our other guy friends. I will never forget the adventures we had and countless memories we made. We will all miss him so deeply."
"My heart broke when I learned of Chad's passing. He has been one of the most special people in my life and there is a void that simply can't be filled. I am grateful to be able to celebrate his life with his many friends and hug each member of his family that were so formative in my own life growing up."
“I miss my hardworking friend. He always stood up for me and made me feel important. I loved Chad.”
“I right away thought of little Chad and what a sweet kind kid he was with that innocent smile. My son said, “Mom, Chad was always so kind to me right through high school” - he said he never forgot that.”
"I remember you would affectionately refer to him as the “caboose”. You were always so proud of your children and enjoyed talking about them.”
“I loved Chad. He didn’t let many people in, but I’d like to think we had a great connection. He lived on the edge, but always stopped to appreciate what he had. He was so proud of what you and Todd had accomplished for yourselves, and it certainly motivated him to be better. He talked about Todd’s kids and being an uncle. He always looked forward to his family ski trips. While we haven’t had the chance to meet, Chad definitely gave me a glimpse into his family.”
"I worked alongside Chad for several years when he joined Kforce (I was in the Burlington office, and he was in Boston). I absolutely loved working with Chad. He would be my driving motivation to head into Boston for the day so we could go out after. He just made everything more fun. His smile and positivity were infectious. I’m grateful of the time I got to spend with Chad, privileged to call him my friend."
"Chad was a wonderful young man. I had the pleasure of knowing him for many years, including when he was a teenager. I recall vividly, talking with him about young people, including my own kids, who were his age. Chad would frequently smile, and reassure me that despite my misgivings, my kids' actions were in the norm. Chad had an amazing gift of bonding with those older than him. I'll never forget his wonderful smile, his kind and gentle ability to make the world seem to be a better place. We all miss you, Chad!"
"He thought so much of his family and how "you each had a lane to drive in, but the lanes always came back together..." I always loved how he explained things to me. He was simply wonderful and we will all miss him terribly."
"I have so many fond memories of Chad from our high school days. He brought so much joy and laughter into our lives and I will always look back on our friendship with nothing but a smile."
"Chad was so smart and very thoughtful as well. I spent a lot of time with him at the family reunion on the porch by the bar at Club Med. I felt like I could understand a lot more about him. What a deep thinker he was. He shared his favorite quotes with me. He was so very proud to be a DeMarco, and spoke so highly of his family. I always understood where he was coming from and found him so genuine and he seemed to really speak from his heart."
"Chad had a warm and gentle way of relating to the grandchildren. They loved their Uncle Chad."
“Being surrounded by people who love you and support you is a rarity to some, but Chad had an incredible community of people who loved him and supported him.”
“I will always remember Chad as a vibrant, sweet, young man. He is the only boy who ever complemented me and thanked me for a meaningful Sunday school lesson (5th grade). Who does that?"
“We spent a lot of time talking about how Chad loved it down in Jacksonville and his motorcycle. He is like a brother, I’d do anything for him. He was kind hearted and loved to look fresh and clean no matter what."
“Robin always spoke about Chad whenever we connected. And I will never forget playing beer pong with him at Bucknell when he was 12-years-old."☺
“To the women who provided comfort and love to our godson, Chad, who will remain a bright light in our lives.”
“I got to see how loved he was by all of you, and that’s what life is all about. I know that words are inadequate, but I wanted you both to know how affected we were when we heard about Chad. I remember Chad a cute, little guy with his two older siblings – I can picture him clearly."
“He was always super focused and was always writing. He would sit at the bar, order a red bull and water, put his ear pods in and just write.”
We said a little happy birthday tribute to Chadder on our meeting today. We miss him!”
“I am so happy to have had the opportunity to chat with Chad, on several occasions, at the family reunion, a very fine young man- a gentleman, interesting, pleasant.”
"All of us who loved Chad feel a deep emptiness and helplessness.”
“We were close friends in high school and during Church Youth Group. I have many fond memories with him – his great sense of humor and generous heart.”
“My heart is shattered. I hope you find comfort in knowing you gave Chad so much love and he knew that.”
“I will hold on to the very special moments and times that I was able to know dear Chad and focus on those times/moments to remember and cherish. He always made me laugh, that “Bad Chad”. ☺☺
“What an amazing, brilliant, kind, and handsome young man. Such a loving son, brother, and uncle. He sure lived a full life but it was cut way too short.”
“I remember you once used a lovely term of endearment for Chad, you referred to him as your “Caboose.”
"The only time I ever skipped class was with Chad.” :) :)
“Chad will be so missed – he was kind, sweet and beautiful.”
“I know I didn’t see him often, but I considered Chad a friend, and he will be missed and remembered fondly.” 
"Chad was the type of person that intuitively knew if I was having a bad day."
“I was on a work camp with Chad. I remember him being a gentle person.”
“Chad was quiet, but you always knew he was deep in thought.”
"Chad was a very close friend at KUA and I'm crushed to learn of his passing. He was a beautiful person."
“I hope it is of comfort to you that you were able to be with Chad in Vail and enjoy his company in those beautiful surroundings.”
“What a tribute to a much-loved son – with a winsome smile.”
“You mentioned that Chad loved to ski and a trip to Vail. I remember our discussion on that – early morning ski runs with perfectly groomed corduroy. What a great memory.”
“I remember how kind and congenial he was when I last saw him. He carried your love of music, Debbe.”
"Everyone knew he was such a smart guy."
“I know the Rockies brought you great joy as a family, and when I look at their snowy peaks to the west, I’ll be thinking of Chad and the beautiful memories you made on the slopes at Vail.”
“Chad. What a sweet boy, that is how I always think of him.”
“[Chad] was such a kind person with a wonderful heart who will be dearly missed.”
“My, oh, my, how, you miss Chad. Your whole family aches and your friends ache for you.”
“Your beloved son, Chad. Chad will always have a giant Chad-sized hole in your hearts. The size not of your loss, but of your love for him.”
“The value of a life has nothing to do with how long it is, the world was blessed by your son, I’m sure. I’m glad he lived and had such an awesome family.”
“Keep in mind that grief is inextricable from love and not a weakness but a token of persisting love.”

Chad DeMarco

May 1988 - April 2023

Thank you all for your endless love and support. 

In honor of Chad’s birthday and life, May 10th will be forever recognized as a holiday at Prodigy Resources. As Chad would often say, “Let’s keep this fiesta rolling.”
“Sometimes you have to be a lion, to be the lamb you really are”
Dave Chapelle
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